
Anti-abortion Planned Parenthood protesters to flood the streets today

Event organizers said more than 500 people stood outside the Fort Wayne Planned Parenthood facility in opposition of abortions August. 21, 2015.


Planned Parenthood and its practices have come under fire after a series of videos surfaced in recent weeks, showing employees negotiating the sale of unborn body parts. “The Republican presidential candidates are completely out of step with the American people”, she said, adding that she believes Planned Parenthood will still receive federal funding.

It is legal for companies to pay for the processing and transportation costs of donating fetal tissue, but the videos purportedly show officials trying to make a larger profit.

Some are wondering why putting a halt on government spending for Planned Parenthood is causing lots of controversy.

Some officials at the protest say they plan on continuing prayer and suggesting legislature change.

It’s part of a national protest scheduled on Saturday to take place at Planned Parenthood locations all over the country. A pro-choice activist, who didn’t want to be identified, says since the release of the videos the harassment of people seeking abortions or working at clinics has increased. “Planned Parenthood does not do what these videos are saying we do”.

Hundreds of protestors lined up outside of Fort Wayne’s Planned Parenthood clinic today near Jefferson Pointe to protest the organization’s right for women to have abortions.

Planned Parenthood’s medical center at 31 S. Lime St. does not perform abortions, but does refer women to other facilities for abortions.

“There are scores of other female organizations out there that do the same thing without chopping up babies”, said Del.

Planned Parenthood executives say the organization has done nothing wrong, arguing the videos were unfairly edited.

“These protests are organized by individuals who oppose women’s access to essential reproductive care from the health care professions who work at Planned Parenthood“.


Despite the unsafe misinformation and lies being spread by extremists, we remain focused on providing our patients with compassionate, exceptional care.

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