
Anti-Trump GOP delegate wins lawsuit

Ninety percent of Republicans said that they thought Clinton should have been indicted, and perhaps a surprisingly high number of Democrats – 30 percent – said the same.


“We made a promise and we have to honor the promise that we made to these great Americans”.

The presumptive nominee’s speech in Virginia was largely focused on his plan to overhaul the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs, but he devoted several minutes to the shootings last week that left five Dallas police officers dead. He said, however, that he did not think additional lawsuits were planned in those states.

That was Donald Trump’s message on Monday, at a speech in Virginia Beach that was initially meant to focus exclusively on veterans’ issues, but instead lingered on the candidate’s support for law enforcement and conviction that Hillary Clinton is a criminal.

At the same time, Trump said the “tragic deaths” in Louisiana and Minnesota “make clear that the work must be done to ensure, and a lot of work, that Americans feel that their safety is protected”.

Each side sought to spin the ruling as proof they were winning the broader argument over whether delegates will be committed or not to voting for Trump next week. We will be smart.

According to Joshua Putnam, a a lecturer at the University of Georgia who runs the delegate rule blog FrontloadingHQ, Monday’s opinion doesn’t matter much because the state party already said its delegates were bound proportionally.

One such delegate, Jarrod White, said Arizona GOP Chairman Robert Graham has “publicly come out and threatened delegates that if they don’t toe the line and don’t vote the way they are told, they will be removed from the delegation, their credentials will be revoked and they’ll be removed from the floor”.

Trump also cited “great chemistry with me” and someone “who can help you win” as major factors in his VP selection process. “Chairman Graham is undermining that obligation by withholding credentials from delegates who fail to pledge loyalty to Donald Trump”. John McCain was not a war hero because he was captured during the Vietnam War.

The speech was the latest in a series of teleprompter-delivered prepared remarks aimed at convincing tired Republicans that Trump has the discipline and control to mount a credible general election bid in a likely faceoff with Clinton.

Specifically, Republican lawmakers are pointing Clinton’s testimony before House Select Committee on Benghazi in October 2015 when the former secretary of state stated she did not sent any classified materials over a private email server.


Introduced by New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, Trump spoke at the Westin Virginia Beach Town Center. Trump has been bringing his finalists along with him on the campaign trail in a parade that brings to mind reality show tryouts. Then he promised to modernize the system, minimize wait times for patients and improve care. Find out via AP’s Election Buzz interactive.

Donald Trump