
Apollo 11 46th Anniversary: First Moon Landing Commemorated July 20

Wargaming has announced that Lunar Mode is back for World of Tanks: Xbox Edition for a limited period on Xbox 360 and Xbox One, celebrating the anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon Landings, which commenced on 16th July 1969 and concluded on 24th July 1969, the landing date itself on 20th July.


Astronauts Neil Armstrong, Edwin “Buzz ” Aldrin and Michael Collins (their personal conduct) have been up to speed in Saturn Atomic number 23 soar going to the celestial body overhead. Apollo 11 was the name of the mission their were leading.

While more than 40 years ago man first set foot on the Moon in a bid for adventure and discovery, today marks a return to the lunar surface for the singular goal of combat.

Millions of people still remember the voices of Armstrong and Aldrin as they indicate their position on the moon through their radios. “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”, said Armstrong to Mission Control, the group of nervous scientists assisting the flight from earth.

Micheal Collins piloted the command spacecraft in the lunar orbit, while the other two astronauts completed their set of investigations on the surface of the moon. They got lunar soil samples, placed the U.S flag, the Early Apollo Scientific Experiment Package (EASEP), two drawings of the Earth (Western and Eastern Hemisphere), an inscription, and signatures of the astronauts and President Nixon.

Listen to the original audio transmission of the very first moon landing via NASA.


After their successful mission, the astronauts were put in quarantine for three weeks for the fear they may have brought back unknown pathogens from the Moon.

Historic Apollo 11 lunar landing 46th anniversary on July 20