
Apologize for politicizing Terry Fox: Mulcair

In response, the Terry Fox Foundation issued a statement stressing they don’t get involved in politics.


No one from Fox’s family attended the announcement.

Ken Lane organizes the Fort St. John run and said on a personal level it’s important to him that the community takes part and shows their support for the fight against cancer and added every year there is a strong turn out for the cause.

She was introduced by the region’s Conservative candidate, Tim Laidler.

“We should not be allowed to politicize a Canadian hero like Terry Fox“, Mulcair said while in Moncton, N.B.

Justin Trudeau and his Conservative rival found rare common ground Tuesday as they both imagined Canada without Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

That centrepiece promise was at risk of being overrun Tuesday by a controversy involving a celebrated Canadian icon: Terry Fox.

Should the Tories claim a narrow minority, however, they would have to look past the Liberals for support with Harper at the helm, Trudeau said emphatically.

When asked if the Fox family was on-board with the plan, Moore said that they were not only aware of the plan but were very enthusiastic about it.

“We regret any confusion this may have caused”.

In an earlier emailed statement, Murdoch said: “Our government has a strong record of supporting cancer-related research”.

“It was mistakenly assumed that the family was supportive of the funding requested and welcomed by the Terry Fox Foundation”. Yesterday we announced that if re-elected we would support this initiative…

On August . 31, well into the campaign, the Terry Fox Foundation and the Terry Fox Research Institute jointly wrote to Mr. Harper, as well as the other party leaders, seeking a funding commitment for a new cancer research project.

After making the announcement Sunday, Moore had said he hoped other parties would adopt the same ideas.

The Terry Fox run in Woodstock raised almost $20,000 during the 35th anniversary of the iconic run across Canada.


In an emailed statement, Terry Fox Foundation executive director Britt Andersen said: “As an worldwide non-profit organization, The Terry Fox Foundation is non-partisan”.

About 120 people came out to take part in the Terry Fox Run on Sunday at Fraser River Heritage Park.- Kevin Mills