
Apple delays earnings report for business advisor’s memorial

Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) is expected to report earnings per share of $1.99 for the three months ending in March, down from $2.33 in the same period previous year, according to analysts polled by Thomson Reuters.


In order to facilitate a memorial service for the late Bill Campbell, a renowned executive coach of Silicon Valley, Apple announced yesterday that it would be releasing its earnings reports on Tuesday (26 April 2016) instead of Monday (25 April 2016).

Delaying Apple earnings means that numerous company’s employees will be able to attend the memorial service for Bill Campbell. The former CEO and chairman of Intuit died Monday of cancer. As a tribute to Campbell, a memorial page has been created by Apple. The company said Apple executives and employees will attend the service “to remember Bill and his many years of friendship and service to the Apple community”.

At the time, Apple was flirting with bankruptcy. The industry mourned his death online.


Before moving to Silicon Valley in the 1980s, Campbell spent six seasons as the head coach of Columbia University’s football team. In 1997, he joined Apple’s board of directors when Steve Jobs returned to the company.

Apple Changes Earnings Report Date to April 26, One Day Later