
Apple, Microsoft, HP among companies shunning GOP convention

In normal presidential election years, the sessions garner little attention.


Delegate Darcy Johnston wanted to see Republicans soften their tone, but she was outnumbered in the subcommittee. She said she does have the 28 votes needed to have the rule reach the floor of the convention on Day One as a “minority report”. “This week, they’ll be covered with a microscope and there will be parsing of every word for intent and meaning”. If Trump has one last chance to galvanize the party and, at the same time, look like the president of the United States, this is it. His presumed acceptance speech before a national TV audience-he is the presumptive nominee until the ballots are cast-could determine how many of his own party will stump for Trump.

That’s what political conventions are, or at least what they have been, in modern history. The 112-member Platform Committee meets Monday and Tuesday for sessions that aren’t expected to be too confrontational, even if they expose gaps in policy views between the party’s activists and Trump on such things as gay marriage.

But his hands aren’t tied on the rules committee.

PolitiFact, a Pulitzer prize winning project of the Tampa Bay Times and its partners, has rated 178 statements made by Trump as of Friday evening and 76 percent were rated from “mostly false” to the worst rating, “pants on fire”. It’s even conceivable both could announce their willingness to serve, and that they intend to let the delegates choose between them and anyone else who chooses to compete.

Kasich has done us proud with his decision not to address the Republican National Convention that starts July 18 in Cleveland.

Kent State Associate dean Danielle Saver Coombs, who teaches politics and media, says it’s a long-shot in part because almost half the Rules Committee members are Trump backers.

Bette Grande, an unbound delegate from North Dakota, former chair of the Ted Cruz campaign in her state and a member of the credentials committee, said she is being sent to the convention by her fellow North Dakotans to vote as an unbound delegate and is expecting a brokered convention. But there are other events for delegates and alternates throughout the convention. If this were not the case, why did the Gerald Ford forces think it necessary in 1976 to move to explicitly bind the delegates for that year (and that year only)? Chris Christie, is seeking to forestall efforts to change the rules. But there are still Republicans who worry Trump is the wrong candidate to face Clinton in November.

“It was like going to the Super Bowl”, Emanuele said. “A movement has to have leaders, it has to have credible leaders”.

With the Republican National Convention one week away, Donald Trump’s opponents are launching a long-shot bid to deny him the party’s presidential nomination. Prominent Republicans taking a pass include more than a dozen US senators.

The first action will be in the Platform Committee.

If Trump doesn’t find some way to mollify the delegates who are intrinsically opposed to his nomination, he may find his campaign permanently hobbled heading into the general election.

“I don’t like either of you”, says Wisconsin voter Maggie Ensing.

“I’ve not endorsed him”, Kasich said.

“I can vote on the rules committee, theoretically, however I wanted to”, he said. A majority of delegates are pledged to vote for Donald Trump. “This is not the Erskine Bowles 1996 Democratic Party”.

For example, in a recent interview with conservative outlet Newsmax, Sen. So what channel will the Republican and Democratic conventions be on?

“It’s exciting”, she said.

Trump’s refusal to back down from the matter reportedly has a number of GOP backers concerned about his viability as a candidate, and reluctant to donate to his campaign. Among them are the last three Republican nominees: former President George W. Bush, former MA governor Mitt Romney, and senator John McCain.

Another potential way to affect the nomination outcome is by challenging delegates through the Committee on Contests, which makes initial rulings on eligibility. The absence of two very prominent Republicans will make headlines. This year there are few disagreements to settle.


“To think something could be changed a week before the convention is slim to nil”, she said. “There are a lot of young people participating in the convention – from Georgia and across the nation – and I’m honored to be a part of that group bringing young voices to the forefront of the GOP”.

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