
Apple Music Roll Outs Three Ads To Promote Upcoming Artists And Musicians

Music service Baboom launched to the public Monday with what the company calls a “fair trade streaming” model, but without major label artists as well as its infamous founder: Kim Dotcom, who rose to fame as the founder of Megaupload, originally envisioned Baboom as a platform to take on the music industry, but left the company previous year. Apple Music is then billed as a place where artists and fans can meet each other.


There is also an emphasis on Apple Music’s extensive library; each of the three clips closes with the caption “All the artist you love and are about to love”. The ads focus on the music available via the streaming service, the service’s Connect social network, and the effect music can have on those who “live and breathe” it. The ads all tout that Apple Music has “All the artists you love and are about to love, all in one place”.

Apple Music is far from being a hit among consumers, and with the Cupertino company having a long way to go to achieve great success, all efforts are being directed towards the marketing muscle which Apple has under its belt. The beauty, you see, is that human beings chose to feature these artists in the video ads.

The other two ads feature artists I’ve never heard of before – James Bay and Kygo.

The third ad highlights the “Discovery” feature, which allows users to stream through various types of music. You’ll be updated when new content from that particular artist you followed is released.

Two of the new ads promote the large-scale music library, which comprises many well-known musicians and their tracks in one location.

Have you tried Apple Music or do you prefer a different streaming service? Apple argues that it has a more human experience compared to rivals like Spotify which use algorithms to suggest new users.


Apple Music’s former controversy with Taylor Swift also attracted a lot of attention to the streaming service, which ditched its original policy of not paying artist royalties during the three-month free-trial period.

Baboom Music Service