
Apple Music’s Jimmy Iovine: Women ‘Find It hard To Find Music’

MUSIC, NY MAGAZINE’s VULTURE, THE (NEW YORK) OBSERVER (calling IOVINE and APPLE’s attitude “mansplaining”), MUSIC BUSINESS WORLDWIDE, COMPLEX, and others, as well as many responses in social media. He is undoubtedly a very important, very astute man, but that didn’t stop him from saying a few very stupid shit on CBS This Morning today. It shows the three women hanging out and listening to a few of their favorite songs on Apple Music. “Women find it very hard at times – a few women – to find music”, he said. And this helps make it easier with playlist, but curated by real people. Iovine went on with his by-now-familiar line about the inauthenticity of algorithms, one-upping “human curation” by touting the “human touch” in Apple’s playlists. And it makes it a lot easier to find music.


He added, “I just thought of a problem: girls are sitting around talking about boys”. Or complaining about boys because they’ve had their heart broken or whatever. “And they need music for that”, said Iovine. “Not everybody has the right list, or knows a DJ or something”.


Iovine’s contestable comments come a month after his public attack on Spotify and the “freemium” model at the Vanity Fair New Establishment Summit in San Francisco. Because it’s worldwide Men’s Day, dammit! No, that’s not why. Anyway, that was all in September, and now the ladies have reunited for yet another spot, this one featuring a few pepper chopping and salsa dancing.CBS This Morning was ON IT this…er, morning… and tried to get to the bottom of what the ad, and Apple Music as a whole, was really about. With all the random baffling places that everyday sexism seems to pop up, you’d think the last place we’d have to worry about it is when it comes to basic activities on a smartphone or laptop that (as far as I know) don’t actually require a dick to operate, like finding or playing our music. To be fair, he did say “some women”, to which I reply: #NotAllMen.

Iovine On CBS This Morning