
Apple releases new emojis: Rainbow flag, female athletes; no more gun emoji

iOS 10, Apple’s latest version of OS for iPhone and iPad is coming with one of its most symbolically significant design changes yet. The emojis to be added in iOS 10 will notably include new female gender options for professionals and sportspersons; new family characters; as well as fresh, redesigned versions of the most popular emojis.


Apple doesn’t create emojis; they’re made by the independent Unicode Consortium, which standardizes the way emoji characters are encoded so that they can appear on a series of platforms, including iOS and Android. The new emoji have been available since the June release of Unicode 9.0, though Apple and other companies typically take months to integrated new Unicode releases into their software.

It’s also adding a rather attractive rainbow flag for LGBT pride, and some “beautiful redesigns of popular emoji”, which we hope includes a flawless 3D rendering of the smiling pile of poo. As part of the new inclusions, users will also be presented with female cyclist, female weightlifter, female detective, female construction worker and female swimmer.

Apple announced Monday it is replacing its controversial gun emoji with an orange-and-green squirt gun.

The water gun swap is not Apple’s first foray into cartoon gun control.

Emoji on Apple products are designed by the Unicode consortium.

But the move comes nearly exactly a year after anti-gun group New Yorkers Against Gun Violence started the #DisarmTheiPhone campaign in an effort to convince Apple to remove the gun emoji.


The change won’t happen immediately though, as the patch will only be rolled out to users when iOS 10 makes its appearance later this year.

New Emoji