
Apple replaces pistol emoji with a water gun

Now, Apple has announced more than a hundred new and redesigned emojis, which will be available to iPhone and iPad users this fall with iOS 10.


One of the most noticeable changes is the gun emoji has been replaced with a less offensive water pistol. Single-parent families emojis.

When words fail, or we’re simply too lazy to type them, we turn to emoji.

Some of the new female emojis which are being added by Apple in the iOS 10 version are female emojis for runners, swimmers, cyclists, and builders, among a horde of others.

iOS 10 emoji update reflects how Apple has gone forward on its own to include variations of their redesigned icons and a handful of new emoji in their iOS 10 platform.

But the move comes nearly exactly a year after anti-gun group New Yorkers Against Gun Violence started the #DisarmTheiPhone campaign in an effort to convince Apple to remove the gun emoji.

But something it didn’t mention was the inclusion of a plastic water pistol, which will replace the revolver emoji. According to Buzzfeed, an Olympics-inspired rifle was proposed as a possible addition but Unicode Consortium members Apple and Microsoft argued against it.

The decision is not Apple’s first foray into cartoon gun control.

People have got into trouble with the law because of the pistol and other weapon emojis. A 22-year-old man in France was sentenced to three months in prison after he texted his ex-girlfriend a pistol emoji. The company is putting a lot of thought and care in these new characters, you see, as it is focusing on diversity in both families and gender, plus the latest epidemic of gun violence.


In June, Apple CEO Tim Cook unveiled iOS 10 for iPhones and iPads on the opening day of the annual Worldwide Developers’ Conference (WWDC) in San Francisco.

New Emoji