
Apple reportedly boycotts GOP convention because of Trump

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, R-Wisc., is standing by Donald Trump, but he won’t force fellow Republicans to do the same.


Trump said Republican lawmakers in Congress who have expressed doubts or outright opposition to his candidacy “should do their jobs… and let me run for president”.

In the aftermath of the Orlando shooting, Ryan told Todd, “We’ve got to get it right” on the gun proposals that are scheduled to be debated in the Senate this week.

Ryan would not comment on the prospect of changing party rules to allow delegates to deny Trump the nomination at the convention, a notion – however unlikely – that some chief intra-party critics of the wealthy real estate executive have raised.

On CNN’s “State of the Union”, the Wisconsin Republican said he can’t endorse likely nominee Donald Trump because he doesn’t agree with him on every issue.

Trump reached the party’s 1237-delegate threshold last month, after eliminating 16 rivals for the Republican presidential nomination through a chaotic primary process.

Forget the polls, forget the short list of important endorsements and forget the GOP infighting – Donald Trump says he’s going to the win the general election “one way or the other”. And they shouldn’t be talking so much”, Trump said Sunday on CBS’ “Face the Nation. “I feel as a responsibility institutionally as the speaker of the House that I should not be leading some chasm in the middle of our party …Because you know what I know that’ll do?” Because you know what I know that’ll do?

The Post said delegates involved in this attempt plan to pass a “conscience clause” to unbind delegates from their candidates, and vote for who they want – anyone but Trump. He said it was a hoax made up by the press. It didn’t write checks to either party four years later, but it provided support to both conventions in 2012. I’m raising it for the Republican Party.

“I can not in good conscience vote for him”, Talmage Pearce, a GOP delegate from Arizona’s Fifth Congressional District, said in an interview.

“I’d put up whatever I need to win”, he added.

“Who were they going to pick?”

The almost 30 delegates are seeking to alter party rules to take away pledged delegates on the convention floor next month.

Finally, questioned on recent reporting that RNC delegates will try to overthrow Trump at the convention, he replied, “I don’t believe that”.


“It’s now our time and our duty to say that this is a conservative platform in the Republican Party and we simply will not abandon it”, Eckstrom added. So I think all the hype around the choice right now, Hillary or Trump, it’s a false narrative.

Trump Sanders and Clinton