
Apple’s 2018 iPhone could launch with a UHD 4K OLED Display

The bendable phones are codenamed “Project Valley”, the Verge quoted the Bloomberg.


The other phone is described as having a 5ins display when used as a handset, but with the ability to unfurl and expand to a tablet rivalling eight inches. If this is true, it could give Samsung a leg up on whatever new devices Apple shares and recapture some if the mindshare they’ve lost as sales have slumped in the last two years.

He pins down next year as a “probable scenario” for the technology to become commercially viable, as numerous hurdles associated with making such devices now seem resolved. A 4K UHD display is expected to be incorporated on the upcoming handset, making it the first of its kind in Samsung’s lineup.

The first is described as being like a “cosmetic compact”, which is likely to be a modern interpretation of a flip-phone.

Samsung has pioneered unconventional display technology with its “Edge” devices – smartphones using OLED displays with curved edges. Display tech companies have been showing off small displays with 4K resolution in recent months, and it’s only a matter of time before these things start popping up inside smartphones as standard. In fact, graphics from have spurred up on what folks can expect, including a port that would allow the device to be charged even when folded along with possible fingerprint and iris scanner security measures.

Producing reliable consumer devices with bendable screens requires companies to overcome two key obstacles, Gregory Raupp, director of Macro Technology Works at Arizona State University and a researcher of flexible displays and similar technologies, told us today.


Galaxy Note5. Samsung may name the next version of its Note device the “Note 7”, skipping a number to bring it in line with its flagship Galaxy S smartphone range.

A Flip Phone Might Be Making A Comeback