
Apple’s iOS 10 To Come With Many New Features

This will change when Apple launches its iOS 10 update for iPhones and iPads this fall, addressing earlier criticisms about the iPhone’s so-called “junk drawer problem”.


The third-party apps on the interactive lock screen will also be used.

That means goodbye to Stocks, Contacts, iBooks and a bunch of other apps that you probably never use, or have alternatives for.

Everyone else with a supported device will have to wait for iOS 10 to roll out later this year. With new updates, Apple’s product should be more competitive and set the company up to capture a solid IoT market share, particularly as mobile-enabled products become more commonplace in homes.

Apple introduces its new Smartphone operating system iOS 10.

iOS 10 is available as a beta now, and will presumably be pushed out to devices around September, when the new iPhone is announced. According to a release, the upgraded News app features sleeker interface with much less clutter for users to wade through. It will be helpful in photo app it will be easy to search photos by using this app. Many new emojis and functions will make the section interesting for most of the users.

Which built-in apps can you remove? This edition will take less time to load and apps can be accessed more quickly through a special button here.

If removed, the calculator will no longer appear in the Control Center.

Which apps will you be able to delete?

Yesterday, the world saw the newest operating systems and features coming to the Apple ecosystem at the Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC). We will share more details as soon as company bring something new for their customers.

Reports say that the Beta version will be released in July, and that the full version will be available this autumn.


The Wake Up Alarm feature has been revamped as well, now the alarm won’t just tell users when to wake up, but it also allow users to decide the number of hours they want to sleep.

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