
Apple Smart Keyboard iPad Pro review

MacRumors first reported the iPad Pro issue on Monday, just days after the supersized tablets began shipping, and even experienced the problem with one of its own tablets.


Apple will update its support page on this specific problem when it has more information.

Unfortunately, similar issues seem to affect certain Nexus 5X owners, who have created several threads on Reddit and XDA to voice their complaints. The firm has revealed a help doc that tells customers what to do in case there “iPad Pro stops responding and the display is black”. Apple unveiled the new products in September, and both went on sale last week Wednesday. Worked on it for a couple of hours and had to run an errand. He, therefore, plugged the device back for charging since he was in need of full charge for the rest of the day. There is no problem, because it has a Lightning plug situated at the end that allows users to plug it into the tablet for a quick charge.

This is the main question, especially now since Apple has released its biggest tablet ever, called the iPad Pro. Dead. I wanted to carry out a tough reset to get it to activate.

From something as superficial as product category fulfillment to something as multi-layered as core philosophies, the iPad Pro and the Nexus 5X are two wildly different products.

Long back in 1997 Jobs discontinued Newton immediately which was a tablet-like device that came along with stylus. Factoring in its computing performance and accessories (the Smart Keyboard and Apple Pencil), I can see myself never having to travel with a laptop again.

And finally for the Apple Pencil, a few analysts were taken by surprise by this “accessory”. The 128GB Wi-Fi only model is available for $949, and a 128GB Wi-Fi + Cellular model is available for $1,079.


We’re looking forward to seeing how quick Apple will come with a fix for this issue, otherwise their overall image will have to suffer, while the iPad Pro sales will be affected a lot.

The Surface Pro 4 is a nice uplift from previous models. It has plenty of power for most tasks, and a lovely screen but it still needs some work especially on battery life