
Apple Stops Signing iOS 8.4 Firmware

In our typical light-night jailbreak and iOS 8.4.1 update fashion, we have mire exciting news to share with our readers. The jailbreak, if they release it now, would only be useful for about a month before having to be replaced.


Apple reportedly addressed numerous holes that were in the previous 8.4 firmware so that the 8.4.1 version could finally be impervious to the exploits, but that appears not to have been the case.

With the iOS 8.4.1 in hand and the release of iOS 9 approaching fast, it was hardly a point to expect an iOS 8.4.1 jailbreak.

It is really surprising that Pangu managed to jailbreak iOS 8.4.1 in such a short time, considering the fact that a large number of exploits were fixed by Apple.

Apple has stopped signing iOS 8.4 for compatible iPhone, iPad and iPod touch models, meaning that users can no longer upgrade or downgrade to that version using iTunes.

A Chinese jailbreak developer has just recently shown that the iOS 8.4.1 is still vulnerable to a jailbreak. The Pangu Group is famous for developing jailbreak tools for the tech giant’s iOS 7.1.x and iOS 8.1. Please note that the user takes his or her own risks when trying this.

However, those who updated to iOS 8.4.1 on accident had the opportunity to downgrade to iOS 8.4 and then jailbreak their devices. You should also have at least 80 percent power in your battery before attempting the jailbreak. Chances are, that will not be jailbreak-able for quite a while, and you can count on Pangu and TaiG focusing their efforts on jailbreaking that.


Another issue is the soon-to-be released iOS 9. The reason behind this move is because the team wishes its exploits remain unpatched in the upcoming operating system.

Pangu Team Jailbreaks Apple Inc. iOS