
Apple to replace pistol emoji with green water gun

The update includes women in more athletic and professional roles, a rainbow flag, and different family options.


In a statement that did not directly address the replacement of the gun, Apple said the update included “beautiful redesigns of popular emoji”. Apple, Microsoft and Google are all a part of the Unicode Consortium.

The update is another sign that tech companies are pushing for more diverse emoji representations.

Considering gun violence has been such a big issue recently, the gun emoji has also been changed to a water gun, which is a very tasteful change.

Apple’s existing gun emoji, Right: The water pistol emoji that will appear in September. Amongst the new emoji are a rainbow pride flag and a single-parent family, while female and minority versions of numerous sports players and other professions (such as construction workers, private investigators, and police officers) will also make appearances. Last year, a 12-year-old in Virginia was charged with a felony and fined for using the pistol emoji in an Instagram post that police said was equivalent to a death threat.

The good news is Apple is finally getting with the times.

But the move comes nearly exactly a year after anti-gun group New Yorkers Against Gun Violence started the #DisarmTheiPhone campaign in an effort to convince Apple to remove the gun emoji.


Apple is enforcing a little gun control as it rolls out its latest operating system: The revolver emoji will soon be replaced by a water pistol. Swipe through the emoji keyboard on your iPhone, and you’ll spot plenty of emojis with guys being all sorts of athletic.

Apple To Replace Handgun Emoji with Water Gun Emoji