
Apple updates iWork apps for 3D Touch and iPad Split View

As promised during Apple’s September event, updates for iOS and OS X El Capitan have been made available for Pages, Numbers, and Keynote, including the much-hyped split-screen function, with a few extra support for the new 3D Touch feature.


It’s surprising that the updates for iOS come several weeks after the public introduction of iOS 9, but it’s possible that Apple wanted to wait until the apps for OS X El Capitan were also ready, as they seem to be reaching feature parity with each other.

Split View, Slide Over and picture in picture are also available on the updated apps, as Apple looks to improve its work offering for iOS users.

Split View for Pages now works on both El Capitan and the iPad. You’ll also get the option to preview documents in your browser on iOS or Android, and better compatibility with each app’s Microsoft equivalent. In all three of the apps, a Force click on an image will allow them to be edited, and this Force gesture has built-in haptic feedback.

Force Touch – Now you can use Force Touch in Pages, Keynote or Numbers as long as you have a newer Macbook or iMac with a Force Touch trackpad. There’s also a new way to share password-protected documents directly with an iCloud link.

Apple finally dumped the beta tag from the iCloud versions of Pages, Numbers, and Keynote on Friday.

Updated file format – If you’ve tried to send a.pages or.key file to someone via Gmail or Dropbox, you know what a disaster that can be.


Apple’s line of iWork apps are free to users who have recently purchased a new Mac or iOS device.

Apple pushes out iWork updates for iOS 9 and El Capitan