
Are there places where Pokémon should not be allowed to tread?

“Playing the game is not appropriate in the museum, which is a memorial to the victims of Nazism”, communications director Andrew Hollinger told The Washingston Post.


The game involves using a mobile phone’s Global Positioning System to find and capture virtual Pokemon characters at real life locations, including it would seem inside the Washington-based museum.

If the advice from the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum this week was not enough to convince you that Pokemon Go has gone too far, this footage might. Officials at both places are now trying to get themselves removed from the game’s list.

The current site of the former Auschwitz Nazi concentration camp is many things.

Cemeteries and a museum dedicated to Holocaust survivors should be a place where people can pay their respects to others, not a trendy location for millennials to inappropriately whip out their cell phones and start playing the game.

The museum at Auschwitz is not the only memorial landmark to host a game Pokespot.

Hollinger emphasised that the museum is generally keen on visitors using social media to share their experiences on visiting the museum. The image could be a hoax, but the museum is still concerned by its contents, according to the Post. And at various “PokéStops”, players can get free in-game treats.

The game is now available in Germany, but not elsewhere in Europe.

While some Pokestop locations are banning access to “Pokemon Go” users, other businesses are profiting off of the latest gaming app.


The game, which uses augmented reality technology that enables users to catch Pokemon characters in public areas, called “Pokestops”, has even crept into hallowed ground.

Pokemon Go