
Area Sheriff’s Departments Ramping up Labor Day Holiday DWI Enforcement

More troopers wills be out on Minnesota roadways as the end of summer approaches, cracking down on drinking and driving.


In the last five years, 479 people have lost their lives in drunk driving-related traffic crashes on Minnesota roads, the Department of Public Safety says.

The media and volunteers have been invited to a new conference Thursday to experience the dangers of impaired driving by wearing “drunk goggles”, while maneuvering a peddle cart through a closed course.

Alcohol is the leading cause of fatalities on Minnesota roads, officials say. 2,040 people were injured. “This is our 24th crackdown period and we’ve seen a significant reduction in the number of DWI arrests, crashes, and fatalities throughout the crackdown periods from year one to year three”, said Broome County Stop DWI Coordinator Chris Marion.


Beginning on Friday, August 21 and running through Monday, September 7, officers from more than 300 agencies across the state will be running extra shifts and working overtime to get motorists who are drunk off the roads.

Officials Stepping Up DWI Enforcement Through Labor Day