
Area woman gives birth en route to hospital

Jonathan says his wife told him to keep filming and not stop the auto.


He entered the world in spectacular fashion as his father drove his mother to the birth center. She gave birth to baby Josiah just minutes later.

“The only reason I would pull over is if there is something wrong that needed to be dealt with immediately”, Jonathan told KHOU-TV.

The video of the birth has had more than 7 million views on YouTube since it was posted there last Thursday.

After 45 minutes in the vehicle, the woman starts to scream through her birthing pains.

“It’s a boy. He came out right in the vehicle!”

“I didn’t feel very calm, but he’s always been like that”, she said.

Mrs Pettijohn and her husband Jonathan couldn’t make it to the hospital on time when she went into labor. The dad (presumably) doesn’t even stop driving until mom has the baby in her lap!

Since the GoPro was in the auto, the two chose to capture the experience on film because they didn’t have any video footage of their other two children when they were born.

Lesia says, “I can’t believe so many people want to see something like that”. “My shirt is pretty long I will wrap him up in that”, said Lesia Pettijohn.

We’ve all heard stories at one point or another about women giving birth en route to the hospital; they’re often forced to pull over to the side of the road.


The miracle of life happened in the passenger seat of a couple’s auto in Houston… and they recorded the whole shocking birth.

Woman gives birth in moving car