
Arizona delegate heading to Republican convention but won’t vote for Donald Trump

The ruling means that Republicans can vote how they have always intended to – with the state’s 49 delegates bound to vote proportionally based on the March 1 results – without fear of criminal prosecution.


The group told repoters and fellow committee members they had the support of 37 delegates Tuesday night, but the effort began to unravel shortly thereafter.

As a lifelong Republican, I never thought I would have to check my conscience at the door to serve as a delegate. He’s been replaced by an alternate Kasich delegate, Christine Misto, who said she expects to vote for Kasich on the first ballot but is willing to support Trump as the nominee.

Trump still faces challenges as the convention nears. Among those who gave up their seats is Rhode Island delegate Dawson Hodgson, a former state senator and 2014 candidate for attorney general, who resigned as a delegate because he wants no part in nominating Trump. Again, her fellow delegates disagreed, voting to keep in place language that opposed women serving in combat-even though Secretary of Defense Ash Carter opened combat positions to women past year.

However, because he signed a “Declaration and Statement of Qualification” when he became a delegate, he agreed to vote in accordance with RNC rules. On Thursday and Friday, a different committee will meet at the convention center to set the rules governing the convention and its delegates.

“The good clearly outweighs the things I don’t agree with”, Ryan said of Trump.

The Republican convention is typically a time for party members to celebrate, but with Trump leading the show, many GOP operatives are bailing on the four-day event, which normally draws in GOP donors, lobbyists and leaders.


“There’s a lot of concern among, not only the delegates and party members but among the people who are looking at the few choices in November and they’re not really happy either one of them”. “The intent is to encourage states to close their primaries”, Feamon said. Both presumptive nominee Hillary Clinton and her main primary opponent Bernie Sanders have pledged to work to make D.C. the 51st state. Republicans who chose not to support Trump would consequently be electing Clinton, he said. If no single candidate is able to secure a majority of votes, then a “brokered convention” may occur. It remains to be seen how numerous “freed” delegates from all over the country will have the chutzpah to go against the presumptive Republican nominee but Correll’s gang is coming to Cleveland all juiced up and ready for a fight. “We’re going to ask for a counterweight”, he says, “to balance the nuttiness”.

Anti-Trump Delegate Wins Portion of Lawsuit