
Arizona lawmaker praises EPA for reducing Clean Power Plan mandate

Some, like Republican Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback, had sticker shock upon seeing the new regulations. Workers will lose their jobs as energy-intensive manufacturing is forced out of the country. States must submit implementation plan drafts by 2016, with final versions due in 2018. Today’s Clean Power Plan rule announcement says, “state plans may allow affected EGUs to use qualifying CCU (carbon capture utilization) technologies to reduce CO2 emissions that are subject to an emission standard…” The Clean Power Plan will provide a significant opportunity to reduce America’s dependence on fossil fuels by stepping up our commitment to renewable energy and greater energy efficiency.


US Secretary of State John Kerry said Obama’s Clean Power Plan is the latest strong signal that the US is leading the world in addressing the threat of climate change. The EPA has now added utilization as a method states and utilities will be able to deploy for effectively cutting carbon emission from electric power production.

President Obama’s recently announced Clean Power Plan (CPP) is aimed at reducing the country’s carbon emissions and encouraging innovation in the renewable energy sector. TheEPA calculates that Kentucky will meet its emissions goals a decade before the deadline, but state regulators are skeptical about the calculations.

He pointed out how Connecticut has been working with eight other states as part of a market-based initiative and carbon emissions from Connecticut’s power plants declined 34 percent from 1990 to 2012.

“Because energy is such a staple for everything we produce and consume, those costs are going to ripple through the economy”. It appears that the Obama Administration misled Kentucky State officials in order to garner support for his legacy plan, according to Whitfield.

“I’m very disappointed in the administration’s pushing of these regulations that will be so hard on families already strapped trying to make their budgets work. there has to be some common sense that comes into places that doesn’t place the environment above people”.

Griffith is calling for the EPA to halt its carbon rule because he thinks there’s a good chance the Supreme Court will rule against it too.

The final rule establishes guidelines for states to follow in developing and implementing their plans, including requirements that vulnerable communities have a seat at the table with other stakeholders.


At the same time, there’s been a 15 percent reduction in energy consumption due to state incentives.

President Barack Obama is hoping to boost renewable energy through the EPA's new Clean Power Plan