
Arizona State mascot sends Tempe councilman back to hospital

“I didn’t hear him coming and all of a sudden I felt something on my back”.


Next time, Sparky, just shake the guy’s hand.

The Trojans will have to watch out for Arizona State on the field, and Sparky, the Sun Devils mascot, on the sidelines.

Schapira was posing for a picture on the sideline during last Friday’s ASU-New Mexico game when Sparky jumped on his back – Schapira had momentarily put his cane down for the picture.

Schapira has taught at ASU and been a state representative and a state senator, all jobs that require patience and the ability to get over yourself.

Schapira says he’s not upset, just a bit frustrated.

“I sort of sniggered to start with, after that my word changes to trepidation because i undergone that in fact pop”, Schapira instructed Mastening numbers 15.

Little did Sparky know, Schapira was returning from recent back operations and had only lay down his hiking punish to bark that is actually photograph.


The university apologized for its mascot’s “excessive exuberance” and offered to help pay medical expenses related to his delayed recovery. “We have offered our fullest assistance and cooperation in getting his bills paid, and we wish him a speedy recovery”.

Arizona State mascot leaps aboard back of city councilman, sends him back to