
Arkansas State University on lockdown

Bartelt will face criminal charges, Elliot said, as well as a mental health exam. He had been a student previously at ASU’s Newport campus. Police came to his residence, and they were told he was seeking medical assistance.


Officials kept the campus on lockdown as police examined the truck, Smith said.

When all of a sudden, a classmate ran into the room screaming, ‘Active shooter! The school says the suspect is in police custody.

Holmes said bomb squad technicians were going to examine the truck the suspect had driven into the middle of campus. Classes were to resume today, and other final exams were to proceed as scheduled. I am thankful for the rapid response of the University Police officers on duty to contain the suspect to his vehicle and keep him from entering any of the campus buildings.

Smith said the man driving the truck parked the truck in an area called Heritage Park Lawn, which is a meeting area.

Authorities in northeast Arkansas are sending a negotiator to speak with an armed man who drove onto the center of Arkansas State University’s campus.

The University Police Department issued the text alert about the situation around 1:36 p.m. Jonesboro police officers arrived to assist.

Arkansas State University reported a man with a weapon on campus on Thursday. He said no shots were fired. “Officers in process of securing vehicle now”, the Jonesboro Police Department said on its Twitter feed, without providing further details. He says no shots were fired.


People are being urged to stay away from the university’s student union on the campus about 210km from the state capital Little Rock.

Active shooter alert in effect on Arkansas State campus