
Arkham Knight November DLC available now

Only in Batman: Arkham Knight will you be able to don the new suit and drive this incredible vehicle through Gotham City or test its performance on any of our Batmobile racetracks.


No word yet on whether the Community Challenge Pack will be bundled in with the $40 season pass for Batman: Arkham Knight or sold separately. Season Pass holders can enjoy a weeklong early jump on said content starting today, but itll be available for all comers starting next Tuesday, December 1.

Excited for the new content?

Today Warner Bros. and Rocksteady have released a hefty new batch of November content, which includes new story missions for Catwoman and Robin, plus fresh skins based on the upcoming Affleck-tastic Batman v Superman. Two new Arkham Episodes have also been added with Catwoman’s Revenge and Flip of a Coin, which let you play as Catwoman and Robin respectively.

The Catwoman and Robincontent can be purchased individually for those who do not own the season pass.Batman: Arkham Knightis now available on the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Windows PC.

In the Community Announcement page, The Arkham Community Manager wrote that fans can look forward to getting maps like Wayne Manor Main Hall (Batman: Arkham City), Batcave (Batman: Arkham City), Sanatorium, Medical Facility (Batman: Arkham Asylum).

Crime Fighter Challenge Pack #4: Get this Crime Fighter Challenge Pack to receive various challenge and predator maps featuring Batman, Nightwing, Robin, Catwoman and Azrael. Allows focused training in Freeflow Combat and Invisible Predator stealth incursion. Both Arkham Episodes also include two AR challenge maps.


Riddler Themed Batmobile Skin: Puzzle your enemies with this Riddler themed Batmobile skin.

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