
Armed man shot dead trying to enter Paris police station

The man later died from his wounds, officials said.


The suspect was homeless in 2013, she added.

Sources seem to suggest that the man was identified as Ali Sallah, a young Moroccan-born in Casablanca who was previously known by the police for a theft in 2012 in southern France, when he was around 16 years old.

Explosives experts were sent to the scene in the largely north African district of Goutte d’Or, close to the tourist hotspot of Montmartre.

While Charlie Hebdo was not new to attacks, the shootings were certainly the most ferocious ever.

Earlier in the week, authorities unveiled new plaques honoring the 17 people killed by Islamist brothers Said and Cherif Kouachi who targeted the Charlie Hebdo newspaper, and Amedy Coulibaly who laid siege to a Jewish grocery store.

Police stood with their pistols drawn, blocking nearby streets after the attack.

A man has been shot dead as he charged towards police officers in the eighteenth district.

Neighborhood resident Nora Borrias was unable to get home because of the barricades.

“It’s a phrase that was used during the march as a sign of emotion or resistance to terrorism”, Charlie Hebdo cartoonist Corinne Rey – known as Coco – told France Inter radio. “So you don’t have to be Sherlock Holmes to make the right deduction”, Van der Sypt told The Associated Press.

Police have cleared hundreds of people from the neighbourhood amid fears that other assailants could be at large. Shops were ordered closed and shop owners hastily rolled down metal shutters.

A French Interior Ministry spokesman said the man shouted “Allah Akbar” during the attack.

Charlie Hebdo’s decision, they said, “illustrates the sad paradox of a world that is becoming so sensitive to political correctness it is verging on the ridiculous, but which doesn’t want to recognize or respect the faith in God of every believer, whatever creed they profess”.

Investigators said they did not believe other individuals were involved in the apparent attempted attack at the police station. “Move back!” before firing twice at the man, who immediately fell to the ground.

“This past year we’ve had to invest almost 2 million euros to secure our office, which is an enormous sum”. The PS organized a mass national demonstration after the attack, proclaiming a period of national unity based on a police buildup, supposedly to protect free expression and liberty of the press. The incident came on the one year anniversary of the Charlie Hebdo attacks.

A Paris police official said police were investigating the incident at the Paris police station as “more likely terrorism” than a standard criminal act. According to media reports, witnesses heard the gunmen shouting “We have avenged the Prophet Muhammad” and “Allahu Akbar” (God is great) in Arabic.

Police sealed off the area around the station.

Thursday police shot dead a knife-wielding man on the anniversary of the Charlie Hebdo attacks.


The police bomb squad noted some wires on the man, suggesting he may have been carrying explosive material, he said.

Man With Knife Shot, Killed by Paris Police