
Around 40 people missing after landslide in China’s Shaanxi

Rescuers are searching for the missing people and neighboring residents have been moved out of the area, the news agency reported.


At least 26 people remain missing after a landslide in China’s northwest Shaanxi province.

The fire department in the mountainous county of Shanyang in Shaanxi province said 15 dormitories of the Wuzhou Mining Co. were buried, along with three residential homes in the area.

Police, firefighters, mining rescuers and paramedics have rushed to the scene.

Authorities said the rescue mission was still continuing and no casualties had been reported so far.

The company mines vanadium, an element used in steel alloys.

Shanyang officials said the authorities were alerted to the landslide late last night.

China – the world’s largest producer of coal – is grappling to improve standards in the sector, where regulations are often flouted and corruption enables bosses to pursue profits at the cost of worker safety.


A total of 58 government and company officials were convicted over the disaster and sentenced to prison terms, some to life.

40 people missing as mountain landslide destroys homes in China's Shaanxi province