
Arrest warrant issued against Oscar Pistorius

No sentencing date has been announced.


ENCA television had earlier reported that a warrant of arrest had been issued for the paralympic champion.

The source is said to be close to Judge Thokozile Masipa who found Pistorius guilty of culpable homicide and reckless endangerment but not murder.

He would have to return to court to be re-sentenced for murder.

It was thought he would remain under house arrest until he was sentenced in the New Year but he now faces the prospect of spending Christmas Day behind bars. He will now be handed a new sentence.

Although prison authorities deny Pistorius had received special treatment, the conditions in his cell were a far cry from the crowded, dormitory-style conditions where most South African prisoners are housed – and where violence and tuberculosis are rife.

“We are trying to do this as a matter of extreme urgency”.

The National Prosecuting Authority is yet to indicate whether it will oppose bail for Oscar Pistorius. He does have the option to appeal, but as BBC reports, only if his attorneys believe that his constitutional rights were violated by the appeal court judges – setting the bar fairly high; a hard expectation to meet.

But in a unanimous decision, the five judges of the Supreme Court of Appeal ruled that Pistorius, well-trained in weapons, must have known that someone would die when he opened fire.

Prosecutors have alleged that the deceased, 29-year-old magazine model Miss Steenkamp, was shot through a bathroom door on Valentine’s Day following an argument, however, Pistorius has disputed this assertion in claiming that he killed her by mistake after mistaking her for an intruder.


Yesterday, the Supreme Court of Appeal overturned a lower court’s manslaughter conviction.

Oscar Pistorius has been