
Arrest warrant out for Clare Rewcastle Brown

Protesters hold a banner while demonstrating against Sarawak Report founder and editor Clare Rewcastle-Brown on July 25, 2015.


Bukit Aman has obtained a warrant of arrest against the UK-based Sarawak Report editor Clare Rewcastle-Brown.

“We will proceed with the applications to place her on the Aseanapol wanted list as well as the Interpol red notice”, CP Mohmad said.

Rewcastle-Brown, when contacted, called the police move “counter-productive” for Malaysia.

Anyone found guilty under Section 124B, which covers activities detrimental to parliamentary democracy, are liable to a maximum prison term of 20 years, the Malay Mail Online reported.

Recently, a police report was lodged claiming that the Sarawak Report had falsified information relating to 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB).

Police have been investigating SR over its extensive coverage of 1MDB while local Internet regulators last month decided to block access to the site in Malaysia.

Earlier, Deputy Prime Minister Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said the full brunt of the law will be used against Rewcastle-Brown and over “evil” means to discredit Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak.


“I’ll live”, Ms Brown said, when asked how she felt about the situation. With The Independent, she has exposed the destruction of Sarawak’s rainforest by the lucrative palm oil industry and Malaysia’s attempts to buy credibility for its environmental policies in the global media. Najib has denied using the funds for personal gain, but not receiving the money or owning the accounts. The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission said on Monday that money was from donors not 1MDB.
