
Arrested After Pro-Trump and Anti-Trump Groups Clash in San Diego

Trump made some brief Montana references – his son likes to hunt here, it’s “very much a Republican stronghold”, the state’s handsome scenery – but spent most of his speech talking about the national campaign, and recounting his string of primary election victories in the face of media predictions that he could not win the nomination.


This isn’t the first time when Donald Trump’s ideas about illegal immigrants manage to heat up the spirits and lead to violence.

A number of police officers in riot gear and with batons stood between the two sides and moved in to force protesters to leave the area around the center.

After the convention centre emptied, clusters of Trump supporters and anti-Trump demonstrators began to mix in the streets, many exchanging shouted epithets and some throwing water bottles at one another.

Police attempted to disperse the crowd in San Diego, declaring the protest unlawful after shouting matches broke out and people threw trash at one another, the AP reported. “I’m for all of our people – all races, sexes, genders, military veterans – and he’s divisive”.

But it was not only his supporters who showed up to the rally.

“My Dad always told me you need a businessman as president”.

At least 35 people were arrested, police said, adding that no property damage was reported and no injuries were reported.

The department plans to have a “significant presence” of uniformed and plainclothes officers at Friday’s bayside gathering and has coordinated with state, local and federal agencies to promptly put a stop to any combative or destructive protesters or counter-protesters, the chief said. “It is so ridiculous where they’re taking the water and shoving it out to sea”.

Mr Trump said that if he came to power he would “start opening up the water” and ensure farmers had enough for crops. It has yet to be formalised.

Shortly before taking the stage in San Diego, Trump issued a statement ruling out a one-on-one debate with second-place Democratic hopeful Bernie Sanders, who was also in California, killing off a potentially high-ratings television spectacle. “Well I hope he changes his mind again”. As part of his attack, Trump told his audience, which just moments earlier had chanted about the need to “build that wall”, that Curiel is “Mexican”.


He is widely expected to contest the presidency with Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton later this year.

Trump lays claim to Republican presidential nomination