
As Clinton takes delegate lead, Sanders vows to fight on

He’ll once again run up against the Clinton machine Saturday in a state where she has a majority of the crucial black electorate. Neither Sanders nor former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton were mentioned by name when the surveys were conducted.


Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have now won two of the first three races in their respective primaries and caucuses, putting the two front-runners in very strong positions heading to March, when more than two dozen states will hold primaries or caucuses. According to the poll, Mr Sanders won Hispanic caucus-voters ages 17 to 29 by 83 to 12 per cent, and Mrs Clinton won those ages 30 and above by 65 to 34 per cent.

“All over this country”, Sanders says as part of his typical stump speech.

Despite losing to Clinton, 52 percent to 47 percent, on Saturday, Sanders outpaced Clinton among Latino and young voters in Nevada, something he might be able to replicate in liberal states with similar demographics such as Michigan, Minnesota and Colorado – not to mention MA – all of which vote in the Super Tuesday primaries on March 1. That repeats a pattern seen in Iowa and New Hampshire, a sign that something about the race is failing to ignite party members. Chris Cillizza of The Washington Post oozed “Hillary Clinton deserves a massive amount of credit for winning Nevada”.

In polls, African-Americans in SC are backing her by a similarly enormous margin.

South Carolina’s presidential Democratic primary is February 27, followed by Super Tuesday on March 1. With 2,383 total delegates needed to clinch the nomination, Clinton now leads 503 to 70. Sanders won among younger whites, Clinton among their elders.

I think that’s, you know, a question that people are trying to sort through. “So I think people are responding to our message of a rigged economy where ordinary Americans work longer hours for lower wages and nearly all new income goes to the top one percent”.

Sanders’ prolific online fundraising has given him staying power and he has pledged to take his campaign into the Democratic convention in July.

Appearing on the same talk shows, Trump’s leading opponents predicted that they would be able to win over the two-thirds of Republican voters who did not support him in the first contests.

Clinton’s win in Nevada means she will pick up most of the state’s delegates.


Clinton’s support among black voters could pay dividends because of the way Democrats award high-performing congressional districts with a greater share of delegates.

Analysis: how did Hillary Clinton win Nevada?