
As Democrats debate, Biden to watch from home in Washington

The vice president watched the first Democratic debate Tuesday night from his home in Washington, witnessing a commanding performance from Hillary Clinton.


Biden, who has been noncommittal about whether he’ll run for president, was asked the question by a pool reporter while waiting for South Korean President Park Geun-hye to arrive at his residence for a lunch meeting. Ted Kaufman said in an email to a list of Biden alumni. He and two other aides have formed a protective and tight-lipped ring around Biden as he ponders a 2016 campaign.

Researchers say science can help explain the process behind our decision-making, and when we reach the “decision threshold” then pull that mental trigger.

But several top Democrats supporting Clinton said time was running out for Biden to make a decision.

On multiple occasions, Biden has said he may not be ready to decide until critical campaign deadlines have passed and it becomes too late – likely by the beginning of November, the individuals said. The official said they gave no indication what that decision would be. But in describing the approach the vice president would take, the letter drew an implicit contrast with Clinton, who has been criticized by a few as a candidate for appearing calculated or overly choreographed. “A campaign consistent with his values, our values, and the values of the American people”, Kaufman said. “I just think he needs to decide what’s best for him and his family”.

While Biden’s supporters and confidantes insisted he isn’t taking his cues from Clinton, she nonetheless delivered a strong performance in the debate, gliding over potential hurdles while casting herself as the natural heir and protector of President Barack Obama’s legacy. “Everything he and the president have worked for – and care about – is at stake”, Kaufman said.

It was unclear whether Biden’s renewed signal of interest would be enough to keep his name in serious contention – or for how long.

Hillary Clinton, once considered a near shoo-in for the nomination, has seen her lead in the polls eroded as Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders has challenged her from her left, potentially leaving an opening for the vice president. The question is whether Biden can compete – or catch up – with a race that’s been underway for months.

People close to Biden said he echoed in private what he said in public: Clinton’s performance was impressive.


Going into tonight, Clinton’s strategy was to make Biden seem “unimportant” by focusing on substance and policy.

If Biden wants to run, there's a Democratic debate podium waiting