
As Smoking Declines, More People Will Be Willing To Quit

Stimson has made no secret of his relations with the tobacco industry and told The BMJ that e-cigarettes and other nicotine delivery systems had “huge potential … to help shift people away from smoking“. They worry that e-cigarettes could get a generation of kids hooked on nicotine and become a gateway to traditional cigarettes. After all, in can take decades for enough data to come in to make a qualified medical ruling on the issue, and that’s impossible for new technology like e-cigs unlike with traditional cigarettes, which we’ve been collecting data on for a very long time.


These findings run counter to the theory of “hardening”, which has held that as smoking rates decline those who still smoke will be increasingly committed to their habit, said study author Margarete Kulik, a postdoctoral fellow with the Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education at the University of California, San Francisco.

No form of tobacco, whether it’s combustible, incombustible or electronic, is safe for youth to use, King added. They said they got the information from public health campaigns against smoking on TV.

Are e-cigarettes more effective than patches and gum, or are they going to cause a relapse back into smoking?

The teens in the study were asked what positive and negative affects they were aware of concerning cigarettes, e-cigs, and marijuana. The World Health Organization (WHO) says the smoke inhaled in a typical one-hour shisha session can equal 100 cigarettes or more.

With e-cigarettes, however, people were less clear about what their intended objective or correct use might be, though they were seen as less directly tied to smoking cessation than patches or gum.

Ever since its emergence electronic cigarettes have ignited quite a controversy amongst people but consumers actually don’t have a firm grip on the risks and benefits of this new technological advancement. However it must be noted that e-cigarettes still contained nicotine which is addictive and harmful for health.

E-cigarettes are created to mimic the real thing, with a glowing tip that emits a cloud of vapor. The Ministry of Health in the UAE has banned e-cigarettes. “If we’re 18 and we can go fight the war and stuff like that, then I think we should be old enough to smoke tobacco, or if not, switch it around”, said Jose Rodriguez of Holyoke.

” “ASH has welcomed the decision, saying Voke “… will allow smokers to choose a product which meets the high standards of medicines regulation and could be provided on prescription to help them stop smoking”. Federal officials have received more than 600 complaints from consumers about scams involving e-cigarette companies.

The teens had no problems coming up with the harmful effects of smoking cigarettes; including yellow teeth, bad breath, and cancer.


But about one third of the e-cigarette studies were either biased or funded by manufacturers so they may not be reliable.

Study on smoking yields interesting results  Image WeHeartIt