
As the speech of his life nears, Trump seeks Republican unity

Not the least of which, her husband, Donald Trump, became the party’s official nominee for president. On Friday morning, he spoke to the Texas RNC delegation and presented a summary of his reasons, per Politico. But put all that aside, you decide to come here?


Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has officially accepted his party’s backing to take on presumptive rival Hillary Clinton.

Over those same three days the Trump campaign mis-managed the staging of the convention, allowing Trump’s wife Melania to use Michelle Obama’s words as her own, and then fumbling the explanation of what happened for another two days. As for Cruz’s father, Trump cited a National Enquirer story linking Cruz’s father to Lee Harvey Oswald. Throughout the campaign, Trump referred to Cruz as “Lyin’ Ted” and planned on exposing purported secrets about Heidi. That including tweeting an unflattering photo of Cruz’s wife and alleging without any firm basis that Cruz’s father, Rafael, was involved in the plot to assassinate President John F. Kennedy in 1963.

“Donald Trump did something no previous nominee has done-he allowed Ted Cruz to speak without his promising to support the nominee”.

“Only my father will say, I’ll fight for you”, Ivanka Trump said.

Cruz didn’t tell the convention crowd that he plans to vote for Trump.

It wasn’t so long ago when Trump, who is now officially the Republican presidential nominee, tweeted an unflattering photo of Heidi because Trump mistakenly believed that the Cruz political camp had posted a almost nude photo of Melania.

Basking in the glow of victory, Trump dismissed Cruz’s opposition in his remarks to volunteers and said he wouldn’t accept the Texan’s endorsement in any event.

Cruz was initially greeted with loud cheers, and some of the delegates said in interviews later that they supported his stand.

“To those listening, please, don’t stay home in November”. Instead, Cruz urged people to “vote your conscience”, which drew loud boos.

“For those of you who were supporting another candidate and have emotional tremendous connections I think that’s great but we need you to step up”, said Mechler.

“Wow, Ted Cruz got booed off the stage, didn’t honor the pledge!”.

“I don’t want his endorsement”, Trump repeated.

“The crime and violence that today afflicts our nation will soon come to an end”, the businessman will tell the party’s convention in Cleveland.


“Sean Spicer, the Republican National Committee spokesman, said he would probably call Cruz an “***hole” as well. “He needed to toughen up like every other Republican loser of any nomination battle in the last 100 years since Abraham Lincoln and just suck it up, be a man and back the nominee that he was beaten by, fair and square”.

Cruz Says He Won't Be A 'Servile Puppy Dog' To Trump Campaign