
Asians expected to become largest United States immigrant group

“Immigrants invigorate and energize our nation”, said Lieu, who was born in Taipei, Taiwan, and came to the United States with his family while still a youth. In 2065, the share of Asians in the US population is likely to be nearly double that of white immigrants. Twelve percent said “illegal”, “overpopulation” was at 5 percent, “legality (other than illegal)” at 4 percent, and “jobs”, “deportation”, “Americans” and “work ethic” at 3 percent each.


The almost 130-page document-entitled “Modern Immigration Wave Brings 59 Million to USA, Driving Population Growth and Change Through 2065”-provides “nonpartisan analysis that explores trends and projects the future”, and comes 50 years after the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act, CNN reported”. Ted Kenney (D-MA), shifted the nation’s immigration system from a more limited European-centric model to one which spurred a massive influx of largely Latin American and Asian immigrants to the U.S. Already, Asian Americans make up about 6 percent of the nation’s population, up from just 1 percent in 1965. The US population’s median age in 1965 was 28 years, rising to 38 years in 2015 and a projected 42 years in 2065.

The data used to develop the projections for the study was a combination of Pew’s own data combined with the information gathered from the Census Bureau. The company conducted the survey online from March 10 until April 6 this year, with a margin of error of plus or minus 2.4 percent.

This shouldn’t come as a surprise: Asian immigrants have been immigrating to the states in bigger numbers than Hispanics for years now.

ACCORDING to a new report by the Pew Research Center, Asians are on track to become the largest population of immigrants in the United States.

By 2065, no racial or ethnic group will hold a majority in the United States, with whites holding 46 percent of the population, Hispanics at 24 percent, Asians at 14 percent and blacks at 13 percent. “It became more hard to cross the border and to demographic changes in Mexico with fewer young people wanting to head north”.

Crime: Among Republicans, 71% say immigrants in the USA are making crime worse, compared with just 34% of Democrats, according to the newly released survey. Asked whether immigration should increase, decrease or stay the same, 49 percent of those polled by the Pew Research Center said it should decrease.


The Asian population in the USA will generally be made up of foreign-born immigrants, whereas the Hispanic population will continue to grow through US births.

Image AP