
Astronaut dials wrong number from space

“Hello. Is this planet Earth?” asked astronaut Tim Peake.


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“I’d like to apologise to the lady I just called by mistake”, astronaut Tim Peake wrote on Thursday. Peake, who is a former major in the Army, is the first Briton to join the crew of the ISS and is employed by the European Space Agency.

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He called from the International Space Station about 400 kilometers from the surface of earth and said, ‘Hello, Is This Planet Earth?’.

Tim Peake, a father-of-two, will spend six months aboard ISS and will conduct several scientific experiments, including experiments on himself, to help scientists understand the effect of long-duration space flights on human body.

He is sharing the space station with five other astronauts from Russian Federation and the United States.


Peake is the first British citizen to go to space since Helen Sharman, who became the country’s first astronaut when she visited the Soviet space station Mir in 1991, according to the BBC.

Hello is this planet Earth?’ – Astronaut on space station apologizes for calling wrong number