
At gay pride parades, large crowds and increased security

Hundreds of thousands of people from NY to San Francisco marched Sunday to celebrate gay pride, honor those killed in the Florida gay nightclub massacre, and promote tolerance. He said he wishes the 49 people who died in the Orlando gay nightclub shooting earlier this month were marching today with everyone. “Because it’s going to be loud and it’s going to be lovely.’ It made me so happy”, she said.


“It’s a symbol of our solidarity with Orlando and to express our condolences to those families healing after great loss”, NPRDP board member Louis Maldonado told the New York Daily News. More private security guards also are being brought in to monitor the daytime events and the local bars and nightclubs where many spectators flock afterward, officials said.

Hundreds of thousands of Americans took to streets from NY to San Francisco yesterday to celebrate gay pride, honor those who died in the Orlando massacre and promote tolerance.

The executive order also makes the Stonewall Inn, which was central to the gay-rights movement in the 1960s, a state historic site.

Sunday was the first anniversary of the Supreme Court’s rulings in favor of same-sex marriage.

Rainbow flags were held high along with portraits of the dead as thousands of people marched in parades.

Heavily armed police officers walk along the street near the parade route of the New York City Pride Parade, June 26, 2016, in New York City.

And just before the start of the parade, Governor Andrew Cuomo announced that the Stonewall Inn would be designated as a state historic site and that NY would erect a monument in honour of all victims of hate and intolerance, including those killed in Orlando.

Amid tighter security in the wake of the mass shooting in Orlando, Fla., and threats to Pride parades elsewhere, Chicago’s annual promenade to celebrate the LGBT community is set to step off at noon – rain or shine. On Friday, President Barack Obama designated the site around the city’s Stonewall Inn as the first national monument to gay rights.

“As queer people of color, we are disproportionately targeted by both vigilante and police violence”, said Malkia Cyril, a member of Black Lives Matter in a statement Friday. Police beefed up security this year with helicopter and maritime patrols and an increased presence of uniformed and plainclothes officers.

“Every parade has its own objective but this year’s goal has been very profound, I would say, for not only New York City but all of the United States and I really believe the whole world”, said retired teacher Pedro Lugo.

“Thanks to the bravery of LGBT Americans like Jim Obergefell and Edie Windsor, and the determination and tireless organising of the LGBT community and their allies, marriage equality became the law of the land in all 50 states”. Turkish police have repeatedly in recent days prevented activists from participating in lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rallies.


Two men cheer from a window as floats pass by them at the Pride parade in Manhattan.

At gay pride parades, a mix of celebration and sorrow