
At GOP Debate, Chris Christie Attacks Hillary Clinton: Democratic Front-Runner

After his strong performance in the undercard GOP debate, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie said Wednesday morning that the GOP shouldn’t be anxious about its own internal differences, and should be more focused on Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton. “We don’t make the rules, just play by them”. He argued that the debate was not about comparing Louisiana to New Jersey, or his record to Christie’s, even though the tussle itself was incited by those exact comparisons.


Mr Christie came into the debate with a few forceful attacks on Hillary Clinton up his sleeve, but he saved his fiercest rhetoric for the Chinese government. Jindal jabbed at Christie, but the New Jersey governor didn’t really respond in kind.

Jindal characterized himself as the only candidate on the stage who cut government spending in his home state.

It showed in his visible bewilderment and in his resolute unwillingness to break down and react when confronted by Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, who was intent on using every opportunity to attack Christie’s record in New Jersey, where he’s been governor since 2009. “If he does, the American people will accept it. If he doesn’t, then he’s got a problem”.

The debate kicked off with Christie and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee putting the IRS on the chopping block. The only question now is can he get back to the big stage?

Christie also made an appeal to law enforcement officers, saying he would support them more than President Obama had in the roiling debate over police shootings and police brutality.

Jindal said in one of the more memorable moments of the debate, “I’ll give you a ribbon for participation and a juice box”.

“The reason we keep losing nationally is we try to be cheaper versions of the Democratic party”, said Jindal.

“Chris, it’s also true that that you expanded food stamps at a time that we have a record number of Americans on food stamps. You expanded Medicaid”, claimed Jindal.

“What she will do is move us towards a single-payer system”.

The release of the poll results comes on the heels of news that Christie will be relegated to the “kids table” at tonight’s Fox Business Network debate.

“We need a real, principled conservative”, Santorum said.

Huckabee objected and said that he in fact lowered spending.

“Believe me, Hillary Clinton is coming for your wallets everybody”.

If you were just listening to Chris Christie’s answers Tuesday night, you might have thought he was debating Hillary Clinton.

“I want to fire everybody in DC, in both parties”, Mr. Jindal declared, in one of his many broadsides against Washington. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), saying that they spend too much time filibustering, and not enough time attempting to reduce government spending. “Because they FIGHT”, he screamed into the microphone.


This was Christie’s first appearance in the undercard debate, and before Tuesday, he had appeared in the prime-time debate.

Chris Christie could have just declared war on China during the Republican debate