
At least 20 overdoses reported at EST Fest in single day

Two dozen people were treated for drug overdoses at a music festival in OH on Saturday night.


The Richland County Sheriff’s Office confirms they arrested Matthew Lee Gross, 28.

Two dozen concertgoers suffered medical symptoms Saturday after they ate candy laced with a drug found in marijuana.

A magistrate set a $50,000 cash bond this morning for a MI man accused of handing out candy laced with THC at a weekend festival. At first, Gross denied they were his, but later told deputies he was helping to pass them out because he was part of the candy’s “brand”, reported.

The paramedics initially believed they were dealing with an opiate overdose, but after a failed initial treatment with Narcan (which counteracts opioids overdoses) and testing the sweets, it was revealed that these had a very high dosage of THC.

Authorities said Gross turned over two identification cards showing he was licensed in MI to grow and possess marijuana.

Mansfield Municipal Court Magistrate Phil Naumoff set a $50,000 cash bond for Gross. Only one or two sweets would get a user high, but some people were eating whole packages, officials said. He was still in the Richland County Jail as of Monday afternoon.

She said 24 people were treated, including with the overdose antidote naloxone. The tranquilizer has also been linked to overdoses in Akron and Cincinnati, the Associated Press reported.

“Each had a very, very high dose”, Masi said.

According to officials, none of the people lost consciousness and are expected to make a full recovery.


“Whoever passed these out”, Masi said, “did not give the people any instructions”.

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