
At Prayer Vigil, Baton Rouge Mourns Death Of Alton Sterling

Richard Carbo, spokesman for Gov. John Bel Edwards, said the USA attorney’s office in Baton Rouge will look into not only whether civil rights were violated, but also any other violations of state and federal law. “We don’t know all the facts in either case, but driving with a broken tail light or selling CDs in front of a store are not punishable by death”.


“We are sick and exhausted of the killings of young men and women in our communities”, Beyonce wrote online.

Shortly after speaking, Augustus and another aunt of Sterling’s fainted in the heat and commotion.

It’s been a particularly terrible week with regards to racism and police brutality in the United States after Alton Sterling and Philando Castile were murdered by police despite their quiet cooperation. A person nearby recorded what happened next, and in the heartbreaking and graphic video, the two officers tackle Sterling and then the camera pans away and gunshots are heard.

Chris Stewart made the announcement to reporters outside the Triple S market where 37-year-old Sterling was killed early Tuesday.

Sharida Sterling said that the store management never had any problems with him but that he was often harassed by police – she suspected because he was black and a “big guy”.

“They’re here to assassinate us, they’re here to kill us because we are black”.

Well-wishes to the family members of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile – the two men who were killed by police gunfire – keep pouring in from celebrities and non-celebrities alike, the latest coming from Beyoncé. “That’s one way we are going to come out of this tragedy better than we were before”, Edwards said, according to Crisp.

She had run afoul of several major police unions over a perceived “anti-cop” message behind her Super Bowl Halftime Show performance and “Formation” video, which included police in riot gear and graffiti reading, “Stop Killing Us”. At least one officer was pointing a gun through the driver’s side window.

Hartman is the pastor of a small church in Ybor City and she says something has to change.

Beyoncé is clearly haunted by the back-to-back killings of two black men by cops.

While Sterling does have a criminal record, CNN reports that it did not seem like the officers were aware of that when they arrived. Sterling is shown lying on the ground bleeding.


A man has been shot by Minnesota police after being pulled over while driving, in at least the second shooting this week of a black man by police officers in the United States.

Beyoncé Issues Statement On Alton Sterling, Philando Castile Shootings: 'Don't Need Sympathy'