
At the DNC, Clinton to confront doubters

As most Democrats rally around Hillary Clinton, the lingering “Bernie or Bust” movement is stirring frustration at the party’s convention among delegates of color, who say they’re upset at the refusal of the Vermont senator’s most fervent backers to fall in line. But critics who are hoping she speaks about Benghazi and her private email server will likely be disappointed; there is little upside for Clinton to dwell on her biggest weaknesses with voters at a moment like this.


Clinton argued that Trump, who once said he knew more about the Islamic State “than the generals do”, didn’t have the experience to be commander-in-chief or have access to the nuclear codes.

She will be tasked with winning the trust of a public that is deeply skeptical of her honesty. Campaigning in Iowa Thursday, Trump said there were “a lot of lies being told” at Clinton’s convention.

DNC delegates nominated Clinton on Tuesday. She will say Americans are “stronger together”. Clinton often and proudly talks about how she gets under Trump’s skin and judging from his tweets after the speech, she surely did. The former secretary of state won more than three out of four black votes in 25 primary states where exit polling was conducted and, by the end of the primary season, she had swept the 15 states with the largest black populations.

Obama spoke to the discontent in the country – “pockets of America that never recovered from factory closures; men who took pride in hard work and providing for their families who now feel forgotten”. Seeking to offset possible weariness with a politician who has been in the spotlight for decades, he said of Clinton: “She’s been there for us, even if we haven’t always noticed”. “He wants us to fear the future and fear each other”.

“We will strike their sanctuaries from the air and support local forces taking them out on the ground”.

“Well, we have a different vision”. Pleas for unity without movement on the issues, on policy, are not going to get us anywhere.

Hillary Clinton on Thursday accepted the Democratic Party’s White House nomination, casting herself as a tireless champion of the people and rejecting Donald Trump’s dark picture of America. The appearance of him encouraging Russian Federation to meddle in the presidential campaign enraged Democrats and Republicans, even as he dismissed suggestions from U.S. President Barack Obama and other Democrats that Moscow already was intervening on his behalf. And, they argue, how the nation’s ethnic and racial minorities may be affected by a Donald Trump presidency.

Trump did his best to steal the spotlight Wednesday. Of those who tuned in only on the final evening to see what Trump had to offer only 19 percent rated the speech excellent or good.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi also took the stage, giving a short speech in which she expressed confidence in Democrats doing well this election.

“Justice is not a zero-sum game”.

“I can’t put it any better than Jackie Kennedy did after the Cuban Missile Crisis”. “These aren’t zero-sum games; in fact, they aren’t games at all”. His passionate convention speech brought tears to his eyes. And some cultural changes have left people destabilized.

Imagine for a second that you’re Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager. The last few Republican presidential candidates might have actually been decent people that believed in religious and ethnic diversity, but the party they led was steadily drifting away from such ideas.

Clinton undoubtedly has far more appeal than Sanders among black voters, a critical voting bloc in Democratic primaries. “He’s betting that the perils of today’s world will blind us to its unlimited promise”, she said.


Clinton appeared unannounced on the platform soon after to soak up the roar of cheering Democrats.

Trump to Hillary