
At the starting gate: Clinton leads Trump by double-digits

“When asked by CNN’s Wolf Blitzer about Clinton’s recent criticism of his dogged pursuit of President Obama’s birth certificate, Trump struck back by laying the issue at her feet”.


“Donald Trump’s no conservative”, Jindal said, according to Breitbart, “but I think that is actually one of the reasons, Brooke, he’s doing so well”.

The task could be complicated by the question of which blue-chip Republicans want to serve under Trump and whether choosing an political insider would dilute his anti-establishment credentials, experts said.

Klein said his 1996 book The Truth About Hillary detailed how Hillary Clinton was “intrinsically part of the effort to discredit these women and threaten these women”. “I think Donald Trump has tapped into middle-class anxieties”. Among Clinton supporters, 51 percent said their choice was mostly about opposing Trump and 57 percent of Trump supporters said they went with him because they don’t want Clinton in the White House.

He added, “I think it’s ironic, Ted Cruz was one of the last people to continue to embrace him, to defend him as recently as December, saying positive things about Donald Trump”. I think it’s time to get serious. “She’s the one that started it, she brought it up years before it was brought up by me”.

“The man is the presumptive nominee and, you know, being a loose cannon doesn’t protect him, I hope, from being asked the hard questions that he should have been asked during the whole primary process”.

“This is a battleground for the conservative future of this country cause, if Donald Trump does win tonight and pull out half the delegates, you’re gonna see a very different Donald Trump tomorrow. They were really trapped, they couldn’t run a campaign on the issues that mattered to America, and I can”.


The GOP basically conceded this election to Hillary Clinton eight years ago. I think there’s 0% chance that Hillary Clinton would do that. “If he is the nominee, I’m going to be supporting my party’s nominee”. The closer we get to November, the more obvious it is that Republican voters hate the Republican party more than they hate Hillary Clinton.

Cruz Campaign Director Says Trump Is “Hillary Clinton With A Penis”