
Atlus Premiers 18 Minutes of Persona 5 Gameplay

The hype is heightened even more after developer Atlus hosted a “Persona 5″ livestream to feature the daily activities of the protagonist. They had quite a bit to announced indeed, including videos of the Persona 5 opening movie, the first 18 minutes of gameplay, details on a new dungeon, and info on new Cooperation Characters.


The eighteen minutes of footage includes going on a date, fishing, sparring, doing crossword puzzles (?), playing retro video games and eating a meal in a restaurant where the waitresses are dressed like sexy maids. This new information about the game seems to support those theories. Another feature shown in the stream was the game’s crafting system, which would allows players to craft items or customize equipment.

Most of this is footage you had already seen before- it has been spliced and put into multiple trailers over the past year and a half. The game will also receive new TV commericals for its playable characters, with one being released each week for the next eight weeks until its launch.


Gematsu reports the livestream is a countdown to tomorrow’s Persona 5 Premium Event on Nico Nico, which will make seven new announcements about the game, starting at 6:30 a.m. EDT. The streaming for those announcements will still be at Niconico so fans should stay tuned to check on that. The game will be launching prior to that in Japan, on September 15. Meanwhile, “Persona” players from North America will have to wait for “Persona 5” for five months as it will only be available in the region on february 14, 2017.

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