
ATR Statement on Lifting the Crude Oil Export Ban

The provision is part of a spending bill that will fund the government for the next year and is expected to be voted on and passed by the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate before the end of this week.


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Meanwhile “Creed”, a next-generation version of the “Rocky” series earned million in its fourth week on the big screen. Disney’s billion acquisition of Lucasfilm is likely looking like a good deal in light of the film’s performance.

A piece of legislation combining the two bills was then delivered to the Senate for a vote, where it passed 65-33.

US consumer spending and incomes up in November
The Commerce Department said on Wednesday income increased 0.3 percent last month after an unrevised 0.4 percent rise in October. The percentage of disposable income saved ticked down to 5.5% in November, though still a relatively high number.

The deal on the energy bill was hammered out in secret talks among congressional leaders, including Senators Lisa Murkowski, an Alaska Republican, and Democrats Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota and Martin Heinrich of New Mexico for more than a year.

‘Star Wars’ smashes box office records
Generally speaking, many women would lament a trip to the movies to watch the new Star Wars filmon their wedding anniversary . Jurassic World has congratulated Star Wars: The Force Awakens for beating its global opening weekend record.

“The Democratic leadership traded this ban for a small extension of taxes that support renewable energy”, said Wenonah Hauter, executive director at Food and Water Watch.

Heinrich said Democrats may not have been able to get a better deal even if they controlled both chambers of Congress, now led by Republicans.

However, in the higher production cases, where US production averaged between 11.7 million barrels per day and 13.6 million barrels per day, the spread between USA oil and worldwide crude showed the potential to grow enough to make it worth it. In these cases, exports were an outlet that allowed oversupplied USA markets to shift their oil to the global markets.

The ban which was lifted had come into being in the 1970s as a United States reaction to an oil embargo imposed by Arab member nations of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). “Lifting the ban on USA crude oil exports will benefit American consumers and workers, and our allies across the globe.”Valero, whose Port Arthur refinery processes foreign grades of crude oil, has lobbied against lifting the ban”.

“There’s really no uplift for U.S. producers given the current price environment”.

The bill included provisions to lift the crude-oil export ban. “Lifting the ban will finally allow American energy producers to compete on a level playing field in the global marketplace”, said commission chairman David Porter.

“This is a insane thing to do”.

U.S. Gulf Coast refineries that have been buying increasing volumes of Canadian heavy oil will still require that supply, Mr. York said.

According to the Department of Energy, the United States could become a net exporter of crude oil in the next decade or so.

On Friday, Congress approved and sent President Obama a bipartisan year-end budget bill that increases federal agency spending and gives tax cuts to families and businesses.


“I’m pleased that a change in policy of this magnitude, to lift the 40-year old ban on oil exports, is paired with strong, multi-year clean energy incentives that will move us toward our climate goals, including wind and solar tax credits”, Heinrich said in news release.

FILE- The prices at a Valero Energy Corp gas station are