
Attack targets Trump website as Gawker posts old cell number

In 2011, the infamous blog also released Citigroup CEO Vikram Pandit’s cell number (as it proudly recalled this week when it published Trump’s phone number).


Trump’s campaign confirmed that it was indeed a cellphone number belonging to the Republican presidential candidate, albeit one that he doesn’t use anymore.

“It’s a very old number”.

Biddle even provides readers with sample questions to ask Trump. Lindsey Graham, a competing Republican presidential candidate, the Gawker website published what it claimed was the billionaire businessman’s cell phone number. This is not one he uses. You can reach Donald Trump at [deleted]. Gawker has been in the media crosshairs for a number of stories believed to cross the bounds of good journalism, including a public outing of Conde Nast CFO David Geithner for reportedly trying to solicit a gay prostitute. “Mr. Trump has several numbers so this is not an issue”, the campaign said in a statement to POLITICO on Monday.

That still didn’t stop Gawker from trying, but ever so miserably failing, to poke fun at Trump as if they had taken something special away from him.

“Does [Trump] still think Mexicans are out to rape you? Speaking of rape, does he think it’s possible to rape your own wife?” and “What about breast milk does he find so disgusting?” Just how much did he exaggerate his net worth to hit the $10 billion figure? Which cabinet position would he give Sarah Palin?

Gawker suggested that an aide for Trump was answering some of the calls placed to the number. And of course, make sure to share it with us.


MSNBC said Monday the number is the same Trump used to call in to the network in June.

Donald Trump's cellphone number was published on Gawker in response to the presidential candidate giving away Lindsey Graham's cellphone number in July