
Attorney: Police Audio Reveals Why Officers Pulled Over Philando Castile

” “I’m gong to check ID’s”.


“A felony stop does not usually involve officers walking up to your vehicle and asking you to produce your driver’s license”, Goins said.

The attorney for the family of a Minnesota black man who was shot and killed by police during a traffic stop says there will be a lawsuit against the officer who fired the shots.

A few weeks ago a young British man at a Donald Trump campaign rally attempted to wrestle a gun out of a security officer’s holster in a failed plot to assassinate Trump. They were cited for public nuisance and unlawful assembly and released.

Roof was not only apprehended without incident in North Carolina, he was treated by police to a meal at Burger King as he was escorted back to SC to face justice.

One of the armed robbery suspect photos that the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension widely circulated to the news media of a Lauderdale, MN gas station robbery that occurred July 2.

Moreover, they are more likely to emerge with life and limb intact.

The officer’s lawyer told the Minnesota TV station KARE 11 that he was not saying Castile himself was an armed robbery suspect. Castile’s criminal history, while extensive, was nearly entirely traffic and contained nothing as serious as armed robbery.


After the interstate arrests, police stopped protesters walking in the road on Grand Avenue early Sunday and arrested 52 people. Police were less likely to find contraband on blacks than on whites in the searches. Dayton asked at a press conference on Thursday. “This incident had nothing to do with race”. “I don’t think it would’ve”. If we are to ever heal these wounds, we must confront these harsh realities head on.

Lawyer Castile Matched Robbery Suspect