
Audio of Paul Ryan Released by Breitbart

Under reconciliation, it takes only 51 votes for a bill to clear the Senate, rather than the 60 votes normally needed to end debate and proceed to a floor vote. The GOP holds 52 seats, making every vote critical.


Ryan no doubt assured the White House, not only in the merits of the party’s American Health Care Act, but also in the Republican leadership’s ability to get the bill through Congress.

Business Insider reported last week that White House chief strategist Stephen Bannon, Breitbart’s former chairman, was outraged by the Priebus story.

But Ryan is also counting on President Donald Trump, who he talks to nearly daily, to woo conservatives to win passage of the bill in the House, and then ostensibly leave it to Senate Republicans to decide if they want to be the ones to refuse to honor a longstanding Republican promise to repeal the law. The audio’s release now, though, comes at a challenging time for Ryan, as he tries to convince skeptical pockets of his party to support his plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA). And the attractive thing about this plan that we’re proposing, it is more freedom, it is more choices, it is more markets, it’s lower prices, which gets us better access.

“In the campaign, we were all struggling with what was being done, what was being said – very unorthodox”.

In addition, Ryan envisions moving additional bills independently.

‘That’s why I’m going to spend the rest of this month fighting for Congress, fighting for our majorities.

Ryan and fellow House Republican leaders have stated that the legislation can not please every GOP lawmaker because it must conform with the reconciliation process so as to avoid a Senate filibuster.

Sen. Perdue (R-GA), usually pretty supportive of Trump, says of CBO score that Rs should “slow down” and “get this right”. Under Bannon’s leadership, Breitbart consistently attacked Paul Ryan, as the site now seems to be doing once again.

Ryan’s stance on Trump became known in October when details of the call were revealed by a source. It also estimates that compared with current law, 14 million more people would be uninsured by 2018, and 24 million more would be uninsured by 2026. [This is] the first step of many.

PRICE: No. What we do is actually say to that 30, 35-year-old individual, “You know that you need health coverage. It’s not a final bill”.

Speaker Ryan took a victory lap following the release of the CBO report.

The protesters, organized primarily by three liberal groups – Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Fair Economy Illinois and People’s Action – marched a few blocks through town, stopping at one of Ryan’s three offices in the state, according to the Racine Journal Times.

“There were some stumbles out of the gate”, the person said. “It was basically just a status check”, Ryan added.


“If they’re losing someone like David Perdue, that really suggests the bill is in a lot of trouble”, says Geoffrey Skelley, a congressional analyst at the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics.

A chart of premiums under Obamacare and AHCA