
Australia Medical Marijuana Bill Approved By Parliament, Growing Cannabis Is Now Legal

Australia’s Parliament passed a measure Wednesday legalizing medical marijuana, CNN reported.


The passing of this legislation will enable the establishment of a strict regulatory regime that will enable the production of many effective Australian medicines, the company says. Recreational marijuana is still illegal in Australia.

‘This is the missing piece in a patient’s treatment journey and will now see seamless access to locally-produced medicinal cannabis products from farm to pharmacy’.

On Wednesday, when the legislation passed Federal Government, it was the one-year anniversary of the death of Haslam’s son, Dan, who relied heavily on the drug during a long battle with cancer.

California was the first state in the allow the medical use of marijuana in 1996, and now a total of 23 states, the District of Columbia and Guam allow for comprehensive public medical marijuana and cannabis programs.

Medical marijuana advocacy group United in Compassion was founded by Haslam’s mother Lucy.

The new suppliers must be approved by a regulator.

He said the bill on medical marijuana was “good, but far from perfect”, and ‘comprised nearly wholly of red tape’.

Shortly after the marijuana amendment vote, Australian Senator Richard Di Natale reminded everyone why the approval was so important.

“Thank you to Lucy for everything you have done”. Under the new plan patients who have a valid prescription can possess and use medicinal marijuana products that are legally grown and manufactured.

‘Your family’s grief, your family’s pain and suffering, has not been in vain, ‘ the Greens leader said.

The changes put Mary Jane in the same category as other medical drugs – like morphine.


“We look forward to establishing the Australian medical community’s trust in these cannabinoid medicines by providing products which have strong evidence of clinical effectiveness”, she says.
