
Australian Airport Lighted Up In Rainbow Lights In Support Of Gay Marriage

‘When MPs and Senators walked off their planes they are likely to see that marriage equality is firmly on the agenda with marriage equality banners throughout Canberra Airport and the Airport exterior illuminated in rainbow colours’.


They decided to do something to remind Australia’s lawmakers that it is their duty to represent the needs of all Australians and agreed to deck the airport out in the gay pride rainbow colors in support of the Australian Marriage Equality campaign.

Canberra Airport managing director Stephen Byron said he hoped the lights and new signage would signify the airport’s support for change in Australia. “Support for marriage equality has never been stronger and with the cross-party bill to be introduced this week we have never had a better chance to achieve the reform.”” border=”0″ height=”3″ src=”file://localhost/Users/mmccarty/Library/Caches/TemporaryItems/msoclip/0/clip_image002.png” width=”3″ />”.

‘Australians are ready for marriage equality and our message to federal politicians is we can do this, ‘ Croome said.

The sisters have shared their view ahead of the cross-party Marriage Equality Bill.

“Equality of same-sex relationships is an issue that is very important for Canberra Airport – not only because we believe that equality is an essential right for our whole community but also because it has a particular personal significance for our family”.

Campaigners for and against marriage equality have ramped up their activities in the lead-up to the introduction tomorrow of a cross-party bill to legalise gay marriage.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott, a staunch Catholic who opposes changes to the Marriage Act, last month played down prospects of the private member’s bill being debated and voted on in parliament.

The conversation for Marriage Equality is no longer a question of IF but now a question of WHEN. “Love is equal”.

Mr Abbott, you have missed the opportunity to become a world revolutionary leader on this matter, it’s time now to align with the growing number of governments who have paved the way for us, and not continue our alignment with governments who persist in restricting equal human rights and social progression for its people and country.

Entsch’s legislation is reportedly being co-sponsored by fellow Coalition MP Teresa Gambaro, along with Labor MPs Laurie Ferguson and Terri Butler as well as crossbench MPs Andrew Wilkie Cathy McGowan and the Greens’ Adam Bandt.


The timing of a debate on the bill will depend on the government-dominated selection committee.

Rainbow colours and signage featured at Canberra Airport as part of a new campaign for marriage equality