
Australians could travel without passports

Australian and New Zealand citizens could soon travel between the two countries without carrying a physical passport – instead, utilising a “cloud passport” which stores essential information on government servers and can be accessed by border agencies electronically.


By storing a traveller’s identity and biometrics data in the cloud, passengers would no longer have to travel with documentation and run the risk of it being stolen or lost.

The idea was presented during an InnovationXchange meeting in Canberra.

“If we’re able to put in place the appropriate requirements, including security, then it’s something we’d like to trial and implement”, she said.

“This is a very smart technology solution that they’re looking at”, he told NZ Newswire.

The Australian Government last month announced it would be spending a few 18.5 million Australian Dollars, a few £8.5million, on a new scheme dubbed the National Facial Biometric Matching Capability.

So-called “cloud passports” won the judges over and took out the competition.

“Australia prides itself on having one of the most secure passports in the world, but by embracing and harnessing new technologies, we might be able to do better”, she added.

Because the idea has come from Australia, Mr Roberts is hopeful it’ll get off the ground.

It is also yet to detail its discussions with nations other than New Zealand on the initiative.


The Department of Internal Affairs says the idea has been discussed at a “conceptual level”, but there are no formal proposals on the table.

Tourism industry backs passport-free travel proposal